Despite what many online marketers would like to tell you the health and fitness niche is still very profitable, sure it is extremely competitive but there are still many opportunities out there. This is really aimed at niche sites, you could try and create an authority website but that is going to be really difficult you are up against sites like webmd, menshealth, and even in the UK the NHS site. These sites generally have teams of writers producing the content, it will believe incredibly hard to outrank these sites. A niche site that may be easier.

People are willing to spend money on losing weight and getting into shape, and are obsessed. In fact they are often willing to spend a lot of money and its also a niche where there is always something new coming out whether its a new weight loss product, a new weight loss plan or some sort of fitness product that will get you flat abs. In fact the last example is one which will never go away – a lot of time in this niche you are appealing to peoples vanity, how do they think the look, how do they want to look.
You could split health and fitness into 2 niches if you wanted but quite often there is overlap and they go hand to hand, for example that new weight loss diet will not work without some sort of exercise regime.
The most common niches are weight loss and building muscle but do not forget amount mental health, hair loss, stress. Lets look at a few examples
Weight Loss For Women
Weight Loss For Men
Weight Loss For Overweight Kids
Weight Loss For Teens
Weight Loss for Specific Body Parts (abs, upper arm, double chins, man boobs)
Weight Gain
Build Muscle
Weight Loss Supplements
Cure Diabetes
Diet niches – there are so many diets that can
Teeth Whitening – its what people notice about you
mental health
Natural Health
Hair Loss – affects men and women
Yoga – this expands into small niches which I would recommend exercises, accesories, DVDs etc
Stress Management – more and more people are leading a stressful life and are looking for answers
Workouts – which can be many different sub niches such as kettlebell, dumbbell, bodyweight and also
Crossfit workouts
Sports workout – if you play competitive sport you need to be fit, usually
Gym workout plans
Home gym ideas
Workout plans for bodybuilders
Workout plans for men
Workout plans for women
medical marijuana – one to keep an eye on, its being legalised in more and more places in the US
CBD oils – again a hot topic with regards its potential benefits, something to investigate there
Apple cider vinegar – a very common subject in the weight loss niche
Lets look at some of these and break them down
Diet can split into so many diets thats its incredible – these can range from the Atkins diet, Keto Diet, Paleo Diet and many many more. Lets take the Paleo Diet.
Paleo diet
Paleolithic diet recipes
Paleo diet foods
Paleolithic diet
paleo recipes for beginners ·
paleo food list for beginners ·
paleo breakfast recipes
paleo diet food list
paleo diet beginners
paleo diet meal ideas
paleo diet meal plan
I’ve never tried the paleo diet so I would be looking for meal ideas and meal plans. I also want to know what food that I can eat on this diet.
Social media is the killer here still, just think about it. How many times have you seen pins of exercise routines, healthy recipes on Pinterest. Fitness motivation tweets on twitter. Youtube channels with recipes, exercise routines, product reviews and tips. I’ll include facebook as well. The ability to send traffic to a site is not a problem here. Look at the Paleo diet example that just screams out pinterest content, twitter and maybe even a youtube video.
Money making
There are several common methods for monetising this niche
Creating an ebook and selling on KDP and other book stores
Standard adverts whether its adsense or anotehr network
Selling affiliate products whether its Amazon, Aliexpress, Shareasale or another ad network. There is a ton load of products on these sites, you can review them, create a top ten products or just have links down the side of your blog.
Clickbank products – a lot of informational products on clickbank in this niche
Youtube channel – if you can produce enough content and get enough subscribers this is an option but may take a while to start earning
A course or program which contains videos and/or pdfs