You may or not know about affirmations – this paragraph from wikipedia will you give you an overview
Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that “a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.” More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one’s self and written down frequently.
In the realms of internet marketing I believe a large percentage of the success you can make is in the mind – get the mindset to make money and be successful.
Internet Marketing Affirmations
I have the right to say these numbers suck I am free of partners who spam others.
I am learning to let go and let the programmers fix it.
Making money in a business is easy.
I am a money magnet I always have more money then I need I can afford to buy everything I want The universe is abundant and prosperous Any money I make is far less than the service I offer.
Because I am such a positive resource, people love to do business with me.
Each business action I take enhances and expands my life.
Each day I discover new ways to improve and grow my business.
Every action I take supports and expands my company’s potential. Google loves me. MSN loves me. Yahoo loves me.
I am no longer controlled by spam filters.
Everyone loves to do business with me because I deliver the goods. I always give more in value than I receive in cash.
I am a natural entrepreneur.
I am always creating new markets for the products I provide.
I am always creating new markets for the services I offer.
I am attracting new customers every day.
I am changing lives for the better.
I am constantly added income to my ever-growing business.
I am my own boss and I love my job! I am setting up an exciting new business for myself.
I am so happy and grateful for all the fantastic orders I receive every day.
I am so happy and grateful for all the wonderful customers that support my business.
I am so very grateful to own a thriving home-based business.
I am thrilled to be starting my own business.
I attract new clients daily.
I effortlessly channel my energy into working on my business.
I employ loyal, trustworthy people.
I employ the most positive staff for my company.
I have a great vision for my business which I work towards every day.
I have a reliable support team that keeps my company running smoothly.
I have a successful business that improves everyone’s lives, including mine.
I have hundreds of new customers every week.
I have the perfect business for me.
I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
I know how to attract loyal customers to my business.
I know that a positive attitude is as important as credentials.
I know what people want and I give then that plus more.
I love running my own company.
I love working from home.
I make wise and profitable business decisions every day.
I manage my business with honesty and integrity.
I now have the perfect business for my talents and skills.
I offer exceptional value for money.
I only recommend or sell products I believe in 100%.
I provide all of my employees with opportunities to advance their careers.
I serve humanity with the practical products I offer
I serve humanity with the valuable services I provide.
I stay informed about my business.
I succeed by helping my clients succeed.
I take active steps to improve my business each passing day.
I take great pride in what our company has to offer.
I take the initiative in difficult business situations.
I constantly attract success-minded entrepreneurs to assist me to grow my business.
I am a brilliant and savvy business person.
I have a billion-dollar brain.
I have all the skills, intelligence, contacts and money and perspective I need right now to create an incredible masterpiece with my business.
I have great abundance flowing into my business, which affords every luxury I desire.
I am very focused and persistent
I am wealthy and successful, every day, in all that I do.
I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of income I choose.
I am committed, determined and passionate about what I do.
I have all the resources I need right now to become a multi-millionaire.
I accomplish my financial goals with ease applying sound and honest business practices.
I am a master at what I do.
I am a leader and I attract leaders into my business.
I am building a successful and important business that will assist in making a difference in my life and the lives of those I touch.
People are very eager to purchase my products.
People love to do business with me because I care about my customers.
What I offer through my company has tremendous value.
With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more business opportunities into my life. My company spans the globe.
My internet business is incredibly successful.
My internet revenue increases exponentially.
My internet website is attracting new patrons every day.
My new business offers incredible potential.
My online business is a great success.
My online business is successful because I offer my expertise freely.
My online business is the most popular in its field.
My partner and I work brilliantly together.
My profits increase weekly.
My services are in huge demand.
My unwavering service to the betterment of others provides me with infinite abundance.
My website is increasingly popular because I know exactly what people want.
My work is a labor of love.
My business is booming!
New customers are attracted to my business, and I warmly welcome them all.
People are extremely eager to engage my services.
People are really excited to do business with me.
I believe in myself and in my company.
I build my business with understanding and dedication.
I contribute to the lives of others through the abundant services I provide.
I contribute to the lives of others through the incredible products I offer.
I deliver true value through my work.
I easily attract new customers every day.
I easily attract the perfect employees for my business.
I easily get the funds I need to help grow my business.
I make a prioritized list of what I need to do and get started right away.
I know exactly what I want to accomplish.
I imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what God has promised.