Home Methods make money testing websites

make money testing websites

by shedboy71

If you have any testing experience or this is  a job you want to work from home at the it is actually one of the more potentially profitable ventures (remember an online portfolio could enhance an actual 9-5 job opportunity as well). There are many testing sites out there and we bring you some of the best, really if you want to have a crack at this then you should sign up for as many as possible, these sites don’t charge any money for the tester to join.

We have also focussed on sites other than Fiverr and its clones and some of the generic freelance sites like Upwork which also have testing gigs, the sites below tend to be more meticulous with requirements such as taking sample tests and the need to have certain hardware (microphone) and also to install the companies software. You will need a paypal account for a lot of these.

Anyway lets look at 14 sites where you can make money testing

UserTesting – Testers get paid $10 for each completed test. A test consists of a 20 minute recording and answers to four follow-up written questions. You have to complete a sample test. There are PC, MAC , Android and IOS testing opportunities, you need a microphone and have to download a screen recorder. Payment is only via PayPal so you need an account with them but this does cover many countries.

UTest – Earn money testing apps, websites, ebooks and other tasks. Pay rates are not displayed and you have to complete a sample test. Has some big companies on its books so hopefully the pay rates are good as well

UserTest.IO – You need a  PC or Mac with an internet connection and a microphone. You get paid £8 per review and have to complete a sample review. Your screen gets recorded and your audio

Userlytics – You review websites on your computer or mobile device. You’ll need to download the Userlytics software for screen and voice recording. The pay out is $10 per test, does look a good platform

StartupLift – A Startup provides their website URL and assign tasks that they would like you to perform, You visit the site, complete the tasks, share your thoughts and provide written responses. You will be paid $5 for every feedback accepted via PayPal

Userbrain – Sign up and test using Chrome or iOS to start testing websites. Speak your thoughts while going through a set of tasks, for about 5 to 15 minutes. Receive new tests each week and get paid 3$ per test via PayPal.

TryMyUI – You will be paid $10 for each test you take; a typical test lasts approximately 20 minutes. You provide feedback on websites and apps via a video recording and a short, written survey.

TestingTime – you’ll need Skype installed on a laptop or PC (not tablet or smartphone). You will also need a reliable internet connection, a microphone and, if possible, a webcam. And you’ll need to share your contact information with them, you then get a chance to test products, websites, and apps. This is face to face with the customer who will tell you the requirements

UserZoom – Using a PC or mobile device you test websites and apps, you need to supply video and audio review. You need to download software, payment is from $5 to $10 and teh tasks vary between 10 – 20 minutes

MyCrowd – This site provides opportunities to find bugs on websites, a compensation rate is set by owners and you can compete against others to win prizes and money.

UserFeel – Each test lasts 10-20 minutes, you can do it from your PC or smartphone. You need to register and take a sample test

TestBirds – A European site, earn money with your smartphone, computer (PC/Mac) or tablet. The compensation at the moment is about 20 euros per test. The average time per test is 20 minutes and there is possibilities to earn more. Seems to be a decent amount of tests available

Amazon Mechanical Turk – Owned by Amazon surprisingly this site on occasion will have website testing tasks, they pay out rates do not tend to be high on this site but you can still get paid via Amazon payments, maybe an option to sign up and check out

EnrollApp : Take tests via a PC, tablet or smart phone and get compensated. Payments again are via PayPal, so you’ll need that account

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