Home Craigslist Making money offering something for FREE on Craigslist

Making money offering something for FREE on Craigslist

by shedboy71

Can’t remember where this came from but you can get the general idea. you could also use other classified ad sites but Craigslist is the biggest.

Also the method says XBox 360 which gives an idea of the age obviously you replace that with something more ‘modern’ of which there are many ideas especially tech.
Craiglist Method #1 – Making money offering something for FREE

Everything you need for this method
1. CPA Account.
2. Email Account
3. Picture of something you want to give away, relating to the offer you chose
4. PVA to post on craigslist classifieds: jobs, housing, personals, for sale, services, community, events, forums

Method explained

1. Go to your cpa network and pick a simple email submit or zip submit offer. An electronic offer is usually good. For this explanation, I am going to use an xbox 360. Any offer that is about winning a free “something” will do, as long as it is something you can give away on craigslist.

2. Now you need to find a picture of a used “Xbox 360”. You can actually take the picture off of ebay or craigslist.

3. Once you have found the picture you will need to post an ad. I will give you an example, but remember you need to be original.

Ad Title – Giving away my old still working xbox 360.
Ad – I won a new xbox 360 “newest model” so I thought I would give away my old one. First come, first serve. You will have to pick up, I am close to the downtown mini mart.

4. Now you will receive quite a few emails from this one ad, but do not reply to them until your ad has been flagged and removed. In the case this does not happen, 1. You are lucky, and 2. Start replying about an hour after your ad went live.

5. After your ad is flagged and removed, start replying. I will give you an example.

Email Reply – Thank you for replying, but I already gave it away. I got so many emails for this, it was crazy. Anyways, you could always try and win won like I did. I just went to www.youraffiliatelink.com and filled out the survey. Good Luck.


1. If you are replying as a computer geek, type like a computer geek, if you are replying as a housewife, type like a house wife.

2. Change this up, do not use my exact ad or email. I am giving you the basis of a method, you must change it up a little bit, though the above exact method, almost word for word has worked for me.

3. You will not have to fake your referrer or blank it because you are going to be sending it in an email.

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