Home Blogging Various ways to make money with a website

Various ways to make money with a website

by shedboy71

A collection of ways that you can make money from your web site, this is not a definitive list but we have came up with 30+ methods and some comments about some of them to help you out. One of the common issues is people just focus on one revenue source such as Google Adsense and miss out on big earners like creating and selling an ebook or course.

Online Products

ebook – self hosted ebook on your site or you could use Amazon Kindle desktop publishing and link to your products

Online course – you could self host or use a site like Udemy and promote on your site

Apps – create an android or iOS app and link to the store listing page

Web templates – you can easily create a store and host templates yourself or use a 3rd Party like codecanyon

Plugins – wordpress is the main one here and again you can self host with a store or use a 3rd Party like codecanyon

Desktop Software – Create a Windows 10 software product and sell it on your website – again there are 3rd parties that can do the work for you

Scripts – Think scripts written in languages like PHP that perform a certain function. An example would be a wallpaper script.

Photos – this is stock photography, you can have samples and link to one of the huge stock photography sites that are available

Print on demand – I’m thinking of sites like teespring where you upload your designs and they make the products – you could promote this or your service.

App templates – This time I’m thinking of word documents, powerpoint presentations, excel spreadsheets as a couple of examples

Physical product

Dropshipped products – you can setup a store with dropshipped products although folks tend to use Shopify.

Wholesale products – similar to dropshipping but you have to buy, store and sell the products and you need to spend more money but I’m thinking Amazon FBA and linking to your products.

Books – people still like to read a physical book – again Amazon can help here

Merchandise – you can sell your own merchandise, this could be products you make yourself. If you are a crafty type and can make unique products this can be a hot business. Etsy is an example of people making their own merchandise.

Cloud Hosting

Affiliate marketing

Online stores – Amazon, Ebay and Aliexpress are examples of online stores that have affiliate programs. I like aliexpress.

Affiliate networks – Shareasale, Commision Junction, Maxbounty area couple of examples. Again there are many networks.

Private programs – a lot of sites do not want to join a network and run their own programmes. Just search for brand + affiliate program.


Advertising networks – Google adsense is the biggest one but theer are many alternatives

sponsored posts – companies will come and sponsor a post on your website

video advertising – some sites will put ads in your videos

Podcast advertising – advertising products on a podcast

sponsored social content – some sites pay to promote social media content.

advertising space – you can set a space aside on your site and sell direct advertising space. Buysellads is an example where you list your site and can earn more than adsense.

Offering a service


Freelance work – offer your services like what you would list on fiverr. This could be anything.



Photographer – wedding photos, kids photos for example

Tech support – helping out people who have issues with PC’s, mobile phones are a couple of ideas here

Teaching – teaching a language would be a good example here

Graphic design service – logos, banner design, photoshop work

Virtual Assistant – many people are looking for people to help with day to day tasks. You could offer this service

Big Discounts for Domains, Hosting, SSL and more

Other ideas

flipping a website – build and sell for a big profit

physical business – advertising local business who may not have a website

membership site – create a batch of products and setup a membership site where you can charge a monthly or yearly fee

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